Επιτελους, ολα αυτα τα πολιτικα σκουπιδια που νομιζουν οτι κυβερνουν, πρεπει να λογοδοτησουν για ο,τι εχουν κανει μεχρι τωρα, γιατι απτη μια ο νομος θαχει χασει τελειως το νοημα του, και απτην άλλη θα συνεχισουμε να ζουμε μεσα στο φοβο και την ανασφαλεια.!! Μπορει μην εχουμε εμεις οι ιδιοι την ευθυνη για τα εγκληματα των δωσιλογων, αλλα οντας μερος του συνολου πρεπει να αντιληθφουμε ότι εχουμε καποιες υποχρεωσεις, πως ο,τι κιαν κανουμε πρεπει να εχει ΕΝΑ ΚΑΙ ΜΟΝΟ κινητρο, την επιθυμια να ειμαστε ελευθεροι, γιατι ας μην ξεχναμε ότι… ο μεγαλυτερος κινδυνος που αντιμετωπιζει η χωρα, δεν προερχεται από τους ιδιους τους δωσιλογους, αλλα από αυτους που υπακουν τυφλα τις τερατωδεις εντολες των δωσιλογων .!!!

Τρίτη 9 Απριλίου 2013

στην Ελλάδα της κρίσης δεν μιλάμε για λύση της κρίσης, λες και είναι ΤΑΜΠΟΥ. Αλλού όμως μιλάνε και δεν ντρέπονται...

Greece: Crisis - Debt - Solution
Thursday 11 April 2013, 19:00-21:30 
Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ
Room: LG002 

Τhe event will include a lecture by Economist, Financial Analyst and General Secretary of EPAM, Dimitris Kazakis on the history and dynamic of the Greek debt, policies implemented which led to the climax of the debt crisis and his proposal for a possible solution to the issue. 

This event will be introduced by Mr. Timothy Congdon.


Dimitris Kazakis, is an economist/financial analyst with many years of working experience within the Financial Industry having worked for numerous companies in Greece and abroad. Up until November 2011, Dimitris Kazakis was writing articles for many popular newspapers and magazines in Greece some of which are ‘Hellenic Nexus’ and ‘To Pontiki’. Since 2010, Dimitris Kazakis hosts a daily radio show dealing with Economics and Finance while in 2011 he published his first book titled ‘The Greek Pompey, the chronicle of an announced bankruptcy’. Dimitris Kazakis is currently the General Secretary of the United People’s Front (EPAM).
Timothy Congdon, is an economist and businessman, who has for over 30 years been a strong advocate of sound money and free markets in the UK’s public policy debates. He is often regarded as the UK’s leading ‘monetarist’ economist and as one of its most influential economic commentators. He was a member of the Treasury Panel of Independent Forecasters (the so-called ‘wise men’) between 1992 and 1997, which advised the Chancellor of the Exchequer on economic policy. Lombard Street Research, one of the City of London’s leading economic research consultancies, was founded by him in 1989. He was its Managing Director from 1989 to 2001 and its Chief Economist from 2001 to 2005. 

Timothy Congdon, Tim Congdon has been a visiting professor at the Cardiff Business School and the City University Business School (now the Cass Business School). He was awarded the CBE for services to economic debate in 1997. A prolific writer of newspaper and magazine articles, and the author of nine books, his most recent book is Money in a Free Society, published by Encounter Books of New York in late 2011.


Greece is a country with a modern history of 183 years while the history of its external debt has a modern history of 189 years. This lecture will include an extended analysis on the history and dynamic of the Greek debt starting from the distant 1824 and the very first loans given by the City leading up to the current situation. The relationship between the trends in national debt and politics will be thoroughly examined while Mr. Kazakis, will be presenting his thesis for a possible solution to the major issue of the Greek national debt and the current financial crisis within the Eurozone. His radical thesis includes an extended plan based on the principle of an immediate exit from the Eurozone and the use of the national currency as a basic stimulus for growth through the nationalization of the Greek banking system. 
Among others, Mr. Kazakis in his lecture will present his own predictions for Greece and the Eurozone in general using his expertize on international economics which led him to become the first economist in Greece who since 2001 had accurately predicted the dramatic increase in Greece’s national debt and the current financial crisis in Europe while since December 2012 he had accurately predicted the Deposits Haircut in Cyprus. The lecture will be concluded by an open discussion with the audience.

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όποιος θέλει μπορεί να γράψει ο,τι σχόλιο θέλει, αλλά στα Ελληνικά.!!!